Fund Your Startup
Please note that the Innovation Fund is open only to currently enrolled students pursuing a degree-granting program (Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate) at the University of Pennsylvania.
Note: that you can apply for one type of award (Validation or Implementation or Launch, if eligible) per application cycle. You should choose the award level that best suits your venture development stage.
Note: that you can apply for one type of award (Validation or Implementation or Launch, if eligible) per application cycle. You should choose the award level that best suits your venture development stage.

Validation Award FAQ
The Innovation Fund Validation Award supports Penn student entrepreneurs in the validation phase of venture development. In AY 2023-2024, selected recipients receive an award of $500. These funds are intended for validating key assumptions with hypothesis-driven testing.
What do I need to apply for a Validation award?
At the Validation stage, you should have a plan to test assumptions related to the Desirability and Viability of your idea.
Applicants will need to provide general information about the team and the venture.
Applicants will need to provide general information about the team and the venture.
- Application form question topics include -
- Innovation (type and scope)
- Problem and proposed solution
- Including how are potential users solving this problem now
- Validation plan to test key assumptions focused on desirability and viability
- Use of funds and an itemized budget
- Potential mission-driven impact (for social enterprises)
- 1-2 minute pitch video
- If you previously applied for an Innovation Fund award, you will also be asked to provide details regarding -
- The venture’s progress since your last application
- Any changes to your team
- How you’ve addressed the feedback from the Investment Team
What are the selection criteria for the Validation award?
- Validation Award applicants will be rated on a 5-point scale on the following dimensions -
- Innovation - Is the product/service or business model potentially innovative? Is there potential to disrupt a market or industry?
- Problem - Has the applicant identified a societal or technical problem/challenge (a “need”) that potential customers/users are experiencing?
- Solution - Could the proposed product/service solve the identified problem?
- Validation Plan - Are the assumptions listed critical to venture development? Is there a clear and logical plan to test the assumptions?
- Use of Funds - Is there an itemized budget? Would the use of funds make a clear impact on venture development? Would the funds be used to complete the outlined validation plan?

Implementation Award FAQ
The Innovation Fund Implementation Award supports Penn student entrepreneurs who are continuing venture development after validating key assumptions. In AY 2023-2024, selected recipients receive an award of $2500. These funds are intended for building the product or developing the business model.
Should I apply for an Implementation award?
At the Implementation Stage, you should be able to provide data showing you have answers to the key questions related to the Desirability and Viability of your venture idea. You should also be able to provide data related to the Feasibility of your venture idea, or to provide a plan for testing key feasibility-related assumptions.
Note that you can only apply for one Innovation Fund award type per application cycle.
- You should apply for a Implementation award if -
- You can articulate how your venture would be meaningfully innovative.
- You have data showing that you have tested the key hypotheses related to the desirability and viability of your venture idea.
- You have data showing that you have tested the key hypotheses related to the feasibility of your venture idea or you have a clear plan to test those hypotheses.
- You can provide an itemized budget for how you would use the award funds.
- You can fulfill all other application requirements.
- If you cannot fulfill the requirements for the Implementation award, you may want to consider applying for the Validation award, if you haven’t previously received that award.
Note that you can only apply for one Innovation Fund award type per application cycle.
What do I need to apply for an Implementation award?
Applicants will need to provide general information about the team and the venture.
- Application form question topics include -
- Innovation (type and scope)
- Problem and proposed solution
- Including how are potential users solving this problem now
- Validation plan results: Data from testing key assumptions focused on desirability and viability
- A plan to test or data from testing feasibility assumptions
- Market, customer segmentation, competitors
- Product development plan and planned user experience
- Revenue model and potential ways to scale
- Use of funds and an itemized budget
- Social enterprises only -
- Description of mission-driven impact
- Ways you will measure impact
- Identification of key stakeholders and a plan to engage
- Pitch deck
- 1-2 minute pitch video
- If you previously applied for an Innovation Fund award, you will also be asked to provide details regarding -
- The venture’s progress since your last application
- Any changes to your team
- How you’ve addressed the feedback from the Investment Team
- If you previously received an Innovation Fund award for this venture, you will be asked to explain how you used the award funds.
What are the selection criteria for the Implementation award?
- Implementation award applicants will be rated on a 5-point scale on the following dimensions:
- Innovation - Is the product/service or business model innovative? Is there potential to disrupt a market or industry?
- Market Opportunity - Does the applicant understand the market and key competitors? Is there evidence of potential product-market fit?
- Validation Plan Results - Do the validation plan results show that the applicant should continue venture development? Did the applicant test key desirability and viability assumptions? Is there a plan to test key feasibility assumptions?
- Product Development Plan – Is there a logical product development plan? Is there any proof of concept?
- Business Model - Has the applicant identified potential revenue streams? Is there a thoughtful plan for future growth?
- Use of Funds - Is there an itemized budget? Would the use of funds make a clear impact on venture development?

Launch Award FAQ
The Innovation Fund Launch Award supports Penn student entrepreneurs who are launching a venture. In AY 2023-2024, selected recipients receive an award of $5000. These funds are intended to support activity that will enable the founders to bring the venture to market.
Should I apply for a Launch award?
To be eligible to apply for a Launch award, the venture must have previously received an Innovation Fund Implementation Award.
- You should apply for a Launch award if:
- You have previously received an Implementation award for this venture.
- You have a product that has been tested with users and a manufacturing plan.
- You have a clear plan to secure paying customers, or you already have at least one paying customer.
- You are currently generating revenue or have a clear pathway to do so in the near future.
- You have a clear plan to reach financial sustainability beyond school-based grants or awards.
- You can provide an itemized budget for how you would use the award funds.
- You can fulfill all other application requirements.
What do I need to apply for an Launch award?
Applicants will need to provide general information about the team and the venture.
- Application form question topics include:
- Use of funds from Implementation award
- Innovation (type and scope)
- Product development plan and planned user experience
- Details from any beta testing or pilots
- Market, customer segmentation, competitors
- Business model, sales and marketing plan, revenue model
- Plans and resources needed for growth and financial sustainability beyond school-based awards
- Launch plan, milestones, hiring needs
- Use of funds and an itemized budget
- Social enterprises only -
- Description of mission-driven impact
- Ways you will measure impact (KPIs)
- Theory of Change
- Identification of key stakeholders and a plan to engage
- Identification of risks and plan to mitigate
- Founders agreement - see Penn Law’s Startup Kit
- Pitch deck
- 1-2 minute pitch video
- Executive summary
- 3-5 year financial projections
- If you previously applied for an Innovation Fund award, you will also be asked to provide details regarding -
- The venture’s progress since your last application
- Any changes to your team
- How you’ve addressed the feedback from the Investment Team
What are the selection criteria for the Launch award?
- Launch award applicants will be rated on a 5-point scale on the following dimensions:
- Innovation - Is the product/service or business model innovative? Is there potential to disrupt a market or industry?
- Product Development - Is there a product? Have end users tested the product? Can the applicant identify what they’ve learned through testing and how that will influence product development?
- Market Opportunity - Does the applicant understand the market and key competitors? Is there evidence of product-market fit?
- Business Model - Has the applicant developed a business model articulating the industry‐specific marketing strategy, cost/pricing structure, distribution channels, revenue model, and potential partners? Is there a thoughtful plan for future growth?
- Financial Sustainability - Does the applicant understand the resources needed, including external funding and regulatory approvals? Has the applicant begun building the relationships required to secure those resources?
- Team - Do the founders have the right expertise needed to launch the venture? Are they committed to the venture? Do they have a plan for any future hiring needs?
- Use of Funds - Is there an itemized budget? Would the use of funds make a clear impact on venture development?
- Ventures identified as a social enterprise or mission driven will be rated on an additional dimension related to the venture’s planned social impact.
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