Venture Lab offers numerous ways to start your entrepreneurship journey as a student or engage by giving back to the Penn Entrepreneurship system as an alumnus.

Sign up for our Newsletter to stay up to date with our programs, events, and other opportunities, and/or apply to our membership as a student to gain extended benefits.


Don't know which programs to join to start your entrepreneurship journey?

Get started with our self-guided form in as little as 3 questions! This form will help you navigate our more than 25+ programs to find the ones that fit your needs!
Subscribe to the Venture Lab newsletter, get the inside track, and stay updated with our programs, events, and other opportunities.

We have a weekly newsletter during the academic year for our current students to discover upcoming events and resources, and an alumni newsletter to keep you updated on the latest entrepreneurship news and engagement opportunities.
By applying to the Venture Lab membership, students interested in entrepreneurship & innovation gain extended after-hour access and exclusive access to limited resources such as the Fabrication studio.

To be eligible to apply, an applicant must be a currently enrolled student at Penn and have a valid PennKey.
Learn about our programs from the staff who manage them.

Make an appointment now, in person or virtual!

Upcoming Events

Femtech is currently expected to grow to $103 billion by 2030. Established retailers are increasingly offering gender-expansive garments as part of their product lines to generate revenue from a growing non-binary market. The menstrual hygeine market is expected to experience a year-on-year growth rate of almost 5%.

So why is it so difficult for founders of companies offering these gender-focused products and services to fundraise?

Join Venture Lab for a virtual panel discussion via Zoom on October 2nd from 5:00pm - 6:30pm ET to learn tactical strategies that will inform your approach to ensuring an accessible pitch and equitable consideration of gender-focused products and services.
Whether you're interested in pitching your idea, providing feedback, supporting peers, or just seeing what femtech, retail, and gender-focused ventures are spinning out of Penn, you are invited to be a part of the Breaking the Bias Pitch Night. We welcome you to participate in the Breaking the Bias Pitch Night as a pitching founder and/or joiner or as a member of the audience. Following the pitches, we invite everyone to mingle, connect with the founders who pitched, and enjoy light refreshments.
Most recently, customer lifetime value (CLTV) models have integrated AI methods - find out which companies are making progress and how they are charting the customer journey in light of GenAI methods.
As artificial intelligence reshapes industries and business practices, understanding and leveraging sustainable competitive advantages have become more critical than ever. Join us for an engaging panel discussion to explore how AI is transforming the landscape of business strategy.


Start Here Monday


Learn about our programs from the staff who manage them.

Make an appointment now, in person or virtual!



A Note From Our Students

Get to know some of the students that help run several of our entrepreneurial programs at Venture Lab! Venture Lab is a resource for any Penn student who is interested in entrepreneurship and innovation.

We maximize the ability of our students and alumni to address important challenges through entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking.

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